Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dancing Skeletons Will Show You That Love is Blind!

You probably have seen the video of the dancing skeletons, but if you haven’t then you are about to witness one of 2015’s most uplifting campaigns so why don’t you check out the video?! And if you have seen it be bet you can’t wait to watch it again.
The video is brought to you by Love Has No Labels campaign. Their mission statement reads, “Before anything else, we are all human. It’s time to embrace diversity. Let’s put aside labels in the name of love.”
The idea is to show everybody that we are all capable of giving and receiving love regardless of color, age, gender, disability and discriminating based on any of these notions is simply wrong. It is amazing to know that less than 50 years ago, being in an interracial relationship was illegal.
Similar to how interracial relationships are considered normal by most people in today’s society, a similar conscience of acceptance (and appreciation) must be extended to people in homosexual relationships, also – and of course anybody and everybody that is in a loving relationship.
The fact that this topic still remains an ongoing debate really prohibits us from moving forward. It’s 2015 and it should be globally clear and understood that hating other people based on their orientation is not only wrong but a waste of valuable time.
We hope this video brings smiles to your day; for us it brought tears of joy and a hair-raising chill down the spine. Spread the love and eliminate the hate!

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