Thursday, March 19, 2015

33 Of The Weirdest Children’s Books EVER!

Adults have corrupt minds; use two wrong words together and instantly an innocent sentence becomes a reason to laugh and think perverted thoughts. On the other hand, children are sweet and innocent, and don’t have the same odd ideas about everyday words or pictures.
This means that children’s authors can get away with using all kinds of language in books that kids will never think twice about.
Still, the parents reading the book out loud will likely think— waitwhat, huh!? This is especially true if they are reading one of the 33 weirdest children’s books from this list.
You must see the pages and covers from these books in order to believe it. Before shielding your little one’s eyes from the screen, remember there’s no need… these books were made for children!

1. The Kiss

A whole new meaning to the phrase “butter face.”

2. A Lesson About Awkwardness

Hmmm…. what is the author trying to say with this one…?

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3. Poor Pussy Party Game

I’m guessing this game would be much harder for adults to play without laughing than children…

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4. How Mr. And Mrs. Rogers Solve A Fight

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5. When Horse And Human Become One

This is a great and informative photo, if only the human was drawn in a slightly different location…

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6. What Not To Do To A Cat

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7. Teddy Bear Prefers To Sit And Watch

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8. Dick, Dick What Did You Lick?

Good thing this phrase isn’t reversed…. and does anyone else find it funny that the wiener dog is named Dick?

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9. They Are Called Seamen For A Reason

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10. “I Need Boys For Pleasure Island”

Be afraid, be very afraid!

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11. I Must Know… What Is Harpo’s Horrible Secret?

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12. Boy Vs. Girl

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13. The Game That Is Always A Good Time!

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14. The Butcher That Chops Up His Friends And Family

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15. Curious George’s Secret Issues With Addiction

“Let’s sneak into the chemistry room and pull a Curious George!”

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16. The Secret Of Being A Good Lover…

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17. Apparently, This Is How Turtles Sleep

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18. Kung-Pao! This Karate Champ Lets It Rip

What broke the brick? His foot or his toxic fumes?

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19. Life Lesson #31: Don’t Ever Unplug An Elephant’s Butt

Thanks to an earlier page from this book we know this is a girl elephant!

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20. Suck It!

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21. Always Beware Of Invisible Dick

Thanks for the warning, Frank Topham!

Photo Credit: unknown

22. Sweet Intentions, Strange Title Choice

Simply change the illustration on the cover and you can alter the entire meaning of this children’s book.

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23. Horse Balls

Perhaps an illustration would help clarify this… or maybe not.

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24. World’s Weirdest Bossiest Children’s Book

Photo Credit: robbie reviews

25. Classic Book, Age-Old Message

Although… apples don’t poop!

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26. Fellow Fags

Photo Credit: unknown

27. 50 Shades Of Grey… For Boy Scouts

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28. Angry Pig

Well, duh… clearly this angry pig just needs to be unplugged!

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29. Peeping Tom George

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30. Cow Parts

This cow has the same mouth and anus!

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31. The Beast In The Bathtub

Looks like beasts give the best back scratches in the tub!

Photo Credit: Heather Ogden

32. This Is A Classic Hungarian Cartoon Based On An Old Fairy Tale… No, It’s Not Photoshopped!

33. The Lion King!

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