Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Shocking Effects Of Deforestation Come To Life In Brutal Print Ads

What would you do if someone appeared out of nowhere and chopped down your home, along with all of your belongings? It wouldn’t be easy to get back up on your feet. Animals are constantly faced with this issue due to the deforestation happening at rapid rates in many places around the globe.
In fact, around half of all tropical forests in the world have already been cleared, a scary fact considering rainforests contain 70-80% of the world’s biodiversity. When we lose rain forests we don’t just lose trees, but we lose SO much more.
Creative art director Ganesh Prasad Acharya and copywriter Kaushik Katty Roy created these gruesome print ads to bring to life the shocking, but real, effects of deforestation
The ads were designed for Sanctuary Asia, which is the largest (and first) environmental news magazine in India. The slogan for the pictures is, “When the wood go, wildlife goes.” In other words, when you take away irreplaceable animal habitats, you are taking away animal rights to life as well.
The images might be hard to stomach but they share such an important message, if we don’t do something now to stop deforestation we have a lot left to lose.
Technically, deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make land available for alternative uses, such as farming or housing. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that around 18 million acres of forest are lost to deforestation every year.
The loss of forests is also bad news for greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation is considered one of the greatest contributing factors to global climate change. When you take away trees, entire swaths of land become dry and barren, dead of life. But we need plants and trees, which take on the important task of absorbing greenhouse gases as well as carbon emissions.
Trees also produce oxygen and help fuel the water cycle by releasing water vapor back up into the atmosphere. Basically, if you take away the trees, you don’t only take away the animals, but eventually you take away the environment necessary for humans to thrive as well.
Since as far back as 1600 deforestation has been taking place, and in the US alone 90% of all natural forests have already been leveled. In the last 50 years there has been a large increase in deforestation, meaning now is the time to take action.
The World Resources Institute estimates the current percentage of forestland left accounts for only 22% of its original mass. The majority of natural forests left are located in Canada, Russia, Alaska, and the Northwestern Amazon basin. Sadly though, the gorgeous Amazon has been highly targeted for deforestation recently.
Forests are leveled using a number of devastating measures, including burning and clear cutting. The Natural Resources Defense Council says that the only ecological trauma that can be compared to clear cutting a forest is a major volcanic eruption.
When forests are cleared for farming, it is overused and over exposed to the sun until the soil literally dies out and new growth becomes out of the question. Once this happens, farmers cut down more forest to restart the process. Since 1960 it is estimated that 1/3 of our planet’s farmland has been destroyed due to deforestation.

When we tear down forests we are literally taking away large chunks of the earth’s precious organs, such as the heart and lungs. By destroying these precious components we are killing innocent animals, devastating local communities, and creating our own final destruction.
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Monday, March 30, 2015

The Great Painting of The World , You Never Seen Before.

The Arts of Painting of the Human in The World Is Really Make You Unbelievable They Can Do well.
The Painting Picture bellow will make your feeling live with natural life.

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Hair Style of the Modern Human

When Roberto Perez (also known as rob the original) makes a haircut going a little beyond the mainstream. This stylist creates amazing works of art using the scalp and hair of their clients as his canvas.

What do you think?

 Hold the Ball in hand Style.
 Ghost Head Style.
 Sock Star Style 
 Smiling Style 
 Monster Style .
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Top 7 Biggest Money Mistakes

Everyone wants to be a baller. Everyone wants to find themselves rolling in dough. But unfortunately, many people make money mistakes that cause them to stay where they are, financially, rather than rise to the top. You might think you’re financially savvy, but you may be surprised. Are you making money mistakes? Read on and find out.
1.    Losing out on interest
You need a liquid cash cushion for emergencies, so, you definitely need the money in your savings account, just in case. However, if you’re paying 15-20% interest on your credit card while earning 1.25% in savings you’re losing money. So after you’ve saved enough money for a rainy day, make sure to start paying off those credit cards.

2.    Buying new over used
Sure buying something new might make you feel better, but it often doesn’t make any sense. Cars, for example, depreciate immediately after they leave the lot. So, there’s no need to shell out tons of money for the sticker price, when you can buy one that’s only been used for a year, and save yourself a significant chunk of change.

3.    Being a “Gadget Addict”
Wasting time in line, and then paying top dollar for the latest gadget, is a major money waster. Being first is an expensive hobby. Just a few months waiting can assure you of getting the same product at a lower price, and one that’s probably been debugged.

4.    Insisting on buying into brands
There’s no need to pay for brand name meds when you can get the same thing for a few dollars less. Generic meds have the same exact ingredients as brand name ones, at a fraction of the cost.

5.    Buying books
Why pay retail prices for books when you can get it at the library for free? It may seem retro but the library is still around! And your local library has tons of books, and if they don’t have it, they can often order it online.

6.    Not investing in retirement plans
If your employer is matching money there’s no reason not to sock money away from your 401(k). Not only are you missing out on saving for retirement, you’re missing out on tax deductions. Imagine that; tax-free income!

7.    Paying for water
Water bottles are convenient; but the cost of them adds up. Buy an insulated water bottle an
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How a Little Girl Influenced an NHL Trade by Asking to “Bring Her Dad Home”

Who ever said that one person can’t make a difference is wrong. Jordan Leopold is one of those players that seems to get well “moved” around a lot this time of year. In fact, he actually just traded for the 4th time in his career and is finally going home. The Minnesota native was just traded to his home state from the Columbus Blue Jackets yesterday. What’s not amazing is the trade, but what is amazing is how is came to happen.
Usually trades that happen in sports are decisions based on money and performance, not warm fuzzy feelings. Jordan Leopold’s trade was different. Thanks to Jordan’s daughter, Jordyn, we have all been reminded that sports are sometimes about people, not just about the numbers.
Jordyn Leopold is the 11-year old daughter of Jordan, the 34 year old defenseman who was playing for the Columbus Blue Jackets this season. In January, she wrote a litter to the Minnesota Wild front office asking the team to trade for her father, who happens to be a Minnesota native. The letter reads “My dad is very lonely without his family. We are living in Minnestoa right now and I am lost without my dad and so it my mom, my 2 sisters and my brother. My dad is on a team with young guys and very lonely and is not playing because the Jackets got him because they needed a D-man. It has been since November and we cannot take it anymore.” She goes on to pull their heart strings a little bit tighter “Please, please, please ask the Jackets if you guys could get him.”
On Monday March 2nd, Minnesota did just that, they traded defenseman Justin Falk and a fifth round draft pick for Jordyn Leopold’s dad.
Here is the original letter from Jordyn. We don’t blame you if you get a little misty eyed, we did. Sometimes when all you hear in sports in money, scandal and stats, its nice to remember that sports really does have a good side.
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Farmer And His Son Build Transformers From Scrap Metal In China And Make $160K A Year

It’s no secret that the trash problem in China is REALLY bad, but as the saying goes… one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This father and son duo have found the perfect way to utilize trash, they create recycled Transformers from scrap metal.
Yu Zhilin, who has a background in fine arts, realized he could create his own robot statues using recycled scrap metal car parts during his free time from farming (his full-time job). It took some time, but within 3-years he and his son, Lu Yingyun, completed their first sculpture within the walls of an abandoned factory. Since then, their Transformers from scrap metal have only grown bigger and better.
The detailed Transformer robot sculptures have turned into a growing success, in fact the Hunan farmer and his son sell enough to total over 1 million yuan ($160,000) in profits a year.

Chinese farmers truly have limitless ingenuity, this farmer and son prove you can create a thriving business from anything… even trash!
Their latest recreations of the famous Bumblebee and Optimus Prime have now gone viral, simply because they are so incredible to look at. Plus, these statues are even cooler since they are made from scrap metal that would otherwise pollute landfills.
 In China, the Transformers franchise is a big deal with the latest installment earning more money than any other film in China ever.
 There were struggles at first but with help from his son and a little experience Yu Zhilin is now considered the leading amateur Transformer’s builder within the Hunan province.
 The Transformer robots draw a lot of local and international attention, from both curious onlookers to interested buyers. The statues are often purchased and placed out on display by malls and other public attractions, as well as private collectors.
 Clearly, this resourceful team can’t wait for the next installment of Transformers!

Photo Credits: shanghaiist.comrocketnews24
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Photographer Explores Odd Beauty Of Hairless Sphynx Cats

The hairless Sphynx cat has intrigued mankind for many years. The Sphynx is nearly bald, with a very thin coat of hair. To see all of their skin, as it folds and wrinkles atop tight muscles is so splendid, giving this breed of cat a truly unique beauty. Looking at a Sphynx is like seeing what a cat really looks like beneath all of their hair.
It’s easy to see why photographer Alicia Rius is hugely fascinated by the majestic qualities of the hairless Spynx. She writes on Bored Panda, “Sphynxes (hairless cats) fascinate me in many ways. I’m drawn by their alien look. There’s something disturbing yet eerie that keeps me astonished every time I look at one.”
Hairless Sphynx cats are available in all traditional cat colors, as their skin reflects the colors their coat would be. Without a fur coat, the Sphynx losses body temperature more rapidly than a traditional cat. This means they are warm to the touch and heat seeking–also known as the perfect cuddle buddy.
Check out Rius’ photos of these gorgeous creatures and see for yourself why hairless Sphynx cats are so incredibly cool!

The hairless Sphynx officially developed in the 1960s, when European breeders began focusing on this particular breed, which has been cited throughout history for centuries. Researchers and breeders have found it is a recessive gene that causes this cat’s hairless quality.
Ruis writes, “Without fluffy and fancy coats, this breed shows what a true cat is. Everything is raw, exposed, vulnerable. This body of work is an exploration of the beauty of Sphynxes within their oddity.”
 Animals and photography have always been a huge part of Rius’ life. Growing up she loved to bring home new animals and her father and aunt worked as professional photographers.

Rius attended college and received a BA in Advertising and an MA in International Marketing, but the job she earned through these degrees was not fulfilling. It wasn’t until she started to photograph animals full-time for a living that she found true career bliss.
Rius writes on her website, “My passion for animals has pushed me to explore their beauty and uniqueness while capturing an elusive mood of the animal’s personality and expressions.”

This talented photographer doesn’t just capture great pictures of cats, Rius works with humans and animals, including horses, dogs, and more. Check out Alicia Rius’ website to see more of her incredible photography.
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